Amazon Prime Air Makes First UK Delivery Within 13 Minutes!
Amazon Prime Air is finally getting off the ground, and if the first flight is anything to by, Amazon is now in a positive position to truly deliver a next-gen service. Prime Air promises to make deliveries within 30 minutes, and it seems that’s true, as their first delivery was with the customer in just 13-minutes!
Richard B was their first customer and took part in their trial Prime Air delivery program in Cambridgeshire. On December 7th, Richard placed his order from a selection of 1000’s of Prime Air ready products. The drone was loaded, made its way down the launch track and without human input it took to the skies and had Richard’s order with him at super speed.
Just think, waiting for next-day is no longer a requirement for that HDMI cable you forgot you needed. Prime Now can get stuff to you within an hour (for my house it’s actually 2.5 hours), but drones don’t need to worry about traffic in the same way.
“We’re excited about Prime Air — a delivery system from Amazon designed to safely get packages to customers in 30 minutes or less using unmanned aerial vehicles, also called drones. Prime Air has great potential to enhance the services we already provide to millions of customers by providing rapid parcel delivery that will also increase the overall safety and efficiency of the transportation system.”
Flying at around 400-feet elevation, and able to carry around 5lbs of weight in its cargo bay, Amazon Prime Air is the future of rapid delivery. It’s fast, cheap, efficient and certainly convenient.
Are you looking forward to Prime Air coming to your area?
And when will the lawyer ads start … Have You had a Parcel drop on your head, don’t worry we have a no win no fee … !!!
Or you drop it you lose it, finders keepers 😛
Don’t dress up as a drone landing pad then!
And for many items, the savings on vans, petrol and drivers in the long run probably make losing the odd item palatable.