AMD Debunks Recent Negative Rumours
Since the reveal of NVIDIA’s latest enthusiast graphics range, there have been numerous negative articles surrounding AMD which stems from unverified sources. We’ve reported on some of these in a similar vein to other media outlets but it’s always important to adopt a sceptical approach whenever information is leaked. As a result, the coverage we previously posted was incorrect and we’ve received clarification from AMD’s Northern Europe PR and Community Manager, Joe Cowell about a number of recent criticisms. Firstly, AMD will be attending Computex and this was never in doubt. It’s important to remember that AMD always lists their attendance for trade shows in a clear and transparent manner. Secondly, there are no production issues whatsoever with Polaris and it’s on schedule. This means our report suggesting AIB partners were unhappy with AMD is completely false and based on incorrect sources. Therefore, we were wrong in disclosing this information and wish to clarify the real truth after receiving an official word from AMD.
So what does this all mean? Well, AMD isn’t struggling to produce quick driver updates, the Polaris architecture or failing to attend Computex. Also, their Q1 financial results were actually better than most analysts predicted. Therefore, any claims predicting their future demise are completely inaccurate. Of course, the Q1 financials are going to be poor when they’re preparing product launches later in the year for both the graphics and CPU segments. Hopefully, this clarification helped to quash the rumours being published right now, and we openly admit our original articles were wrong.
Honestly, I’m excited to see what AMD has in store and looking forward to testing more DirectX 12 games to see if their strong performance continues.
Do you think AMD has been treated unfairly by media outlets? If so, let us know your views in the comments section below.
May I ask if you could cite exactly what he said?
It would be helpful 🙂
It’s pretty much been paraphrased and said in a colloquial manner and quoting it wouldn’t really add insightful information as it’s from excerpts. If you wish, I can do this. The basic argument is the Computex comments were rubbish, same with Polaris delays 🙂
It’s pretty much been paraphrased and said in a colloquial manner and quoting it wouldn’t really add insightful information as it’s from excerpts. If you wish, I can do this. The basic argument is the Computex comments were rubbish, same with Polaris delays
Ahh I see. Thank you for reaching to AMD
These rumors needed to be cleaned up already. I hope all goes good for polaris then 🙂
You’re welcome! I’m glad we managed to get some official word and allow AMD to respond to the rumors which have been published all around the internet!
Yeah. It is stunning that this bad info from ONE FORUM MEMBER can generate so much fud
And then people like you pass it on to others. You were also part of the problem. You need to calm down with what you say.
You wouldn’t stop talking about it as if it was true in wccftech.
Yeah because I totally passed this rumor to others right?
Being sceptical about something != spreading fud.
You need to know how to lower your fanboy trigger levels 😉
That’s exactly what you did you blind fool.
Don’t be so naive little boy.
My opinion about something != spreading fud claiming i have an insider source
Learn to differentiate. Not even Chizow spreads fud. He is just extremely biased to Nvidia 🙂
Just stfu instead of spreading rumours.
I know that won’t sink in as you don’t understand how rumours are spread, even though you assisted in it this time.
Oh im literally h!tler I dared to say something bad about AMD on some random forum nobody gives a damn about
Shame on me
I guess you should also stop posting bcs you are also spreading rumors 🙂
But remember, Chizow got to strut around saying he was “right” again…
That guy makes so many claims one is bound to be true (tho this one isn’t it apparently).
What would you expect from people on Nvidia’s paycheck 😉
And therein lies the problem, maybe you should just stop preferring Nvidia and start to give AMD some serious consideration
Why do you prefer either card?
Mate that’s in the past, GCN cards run smooth as butter and we’ve received many driver updates. Your hardware problems are due to DOA or warranty issues and do not reflect normal behavior of the cards
lol nvidia worker in prevention ……
i have 2 laptops burned by crapppy nvidia driver
i got 2 crads burned by GREAT nvidia drivers
and same time with crappy ati/amd drivers zero null none
same time nvidia lie and lie and lie to ppl to buy “better” gpu’s with “better” ms cert drivers
by nvidia 9xx card is cca 50% faster over 7xx card is faster like 50% over 6xx
and using best drivers numbers say 980 is faster from 6xx 50% and only 20% of 7xx
so who make problems to users ??
even now i dont use crappy gpu in laptop (only intel integrated in cpu) cause best driver in whole world …. what a bull
Oh WOW, we are almost in the same situation…! My ATI card in 1999 once called me stupid in front of other people. I only buy NVIDIA since then.
Why is it that since 2000, the only card I had a problem with was an Nvidia one? Maybe you should get a good quality PSU?
I had the exact opposite experience. I used Nvidia exclusively from my first dGPU, a GeForce 2 Ti, to my last NV one, an 8800GT. They were ALL pains in the butt. Tons of problems. Tons of driver crashes. My first AMD/ATi card was an HD7850, and after a few months I added a second one for CF. They eventually got replaced with an R9-290. I can count on one hand the number of problems I’ve encountered, with fingers to spare. I never had as good an experience with NV as I have with AMD cards.
If AMD’s new stuff winds up being a disappointment, no big deal. I’ll hang onto my 290 until I find myself dissatisfied with my gaming experience (which is how I’ve always decided when it’s time to upgrade) and we’ll see what’s available when that happens. I wouldn’t have a problem with trying Nvidia again.
I will be surprised when AMD isn’t wantonly handed negative assumptions based on forum posts with no sources.
At this point, I expect it.
Credits to John Williamson for taking initiative.
Thank you kindly!
One more thing. By any chance did you ask about the recent Vega in Oct rumor? O.o
I’m afraid not and AMD are very unlikely to comment on upcoming releases. You’ll have to keep posted on the official developments 🙂
Shame. But at least you reached and that counts 🙂
“People should buy AMD because I’m not willing to”
There needs to be a fine for anyone that says “we need competition” when referring to the CPU and GPU market, it’s been said about a billion times and is almost as drole as talking about the weather.
Preferably neither.
Actually, both these extreme kinds of comments are just annoying. The second is just dumb fanboyism, and the first is like: “I hope AMD gets more competitive, because I wanna pay less for my NVIDIA cards.” that’s very ingenious
thanks for clearing this up, alot of people were saying stuff but i guess the dust has settled
medias are just a pain in the ass. they relay everything they find to make views and copy each other without any control on their sources. those rumors about AMD where posted on a german forum by an user an relayed without any verifications by many websites and based on speculations, this can have a dramatic impact on a companys image. NVIDIA is much better treated than AMD by the press. the best example is the announcement of the incomming 1080.
NVidia has had its share. There was the “yield problem for Pascal” and the “Pascal will be delayed due to design issues.” Then “no Pascal demos” was taken to mean that NVidia was not even close to being able to launch. Now that has been settled by not only launching but coming up with a pretty spectacular card, AMD is now “it”.
The 1080 will be good the 1070 not so much
What makes you doubt the GTX 1070?
it’s crippled like 970 and it’s nvidia maxwell ,, soo
I’m pretty sure it’s Pascal and I’ve heard nothing about it being “crippled.” Do you have a link, perhaps?
I dont doubt the 1070 will be a good product, I am just skeptical about dx 12 perfomance
1080 will be only cca 20 % faster with in speed vs 980ti (and that is just clock)
they use same crappy maxwell cuda cores ,and gp100 is still in works (bloddy hbm2 😉 )
and they dont have yet any 100% working gp100
still waiting 7-8 month batch to x finger work
and all are true ,even now nvidia dont have full production ,only small batch of crap they call 2x faster
with 980 using early drivers vs gimped drivers for 1070
like 980 vs 780
suddenly all 7xx loose 10-20 fps in banchs after 980 pop out 🙂
The only reason why AMD made a better Q1 than predicted was due to AMD basically selling 11% of its workforce to the Chinese for a $51 million upfront payment that it booked in Q1. If you take that away, AMD’s Q1 numbers would have been a disaster.
Your comments are adding about 11% of this comment section’s space atm, and about 0% of usefulness. If you never posted them – they wouldn’t be a disaster.
Dear god he’s an Nvidia investor that posts shit about AMD on every tech website. He was really salty that he didn’t get to ride the 50% hike on AMD. Thats about it.
He’s a typical Nvidia troll/shill. Nobody listens to him..hence his zero upvotes to your 12…. just ignore him.
The transaction was approved after the results were announced. Are you always high like this ?
I have bad news: this is not WCCFtech… you can’t just spread totally senseless crap and get away with it… go figure :p
I don’t care if AMD sent some interns to stand in a booth, where are the Polaris cards that ought to be close to launch by next month?
As for AMD saying that their AIB board partners are happy, that’s like when a wife beater claims nothing’s wrong in a relationship: AMD’s pronouncements don’t count for anything.
Show us on the doll where AMD and its employees touched you.
ahhahahaha 😀 😀 that’s exactly the way to treat a foobario 😀 have to say though, at least he’s not N7SE or worse, like chizow.
Well, that doesn’t say much.
you should thank the gods
I meant, Chizow and the other one are so bad that being a little better than them doesn’t mean much.
He’s way worse than N7SE or chizow. As little respect as I have for them, I’ve never seen them immediately default to accusations of racism and nazi sympathy because someone disagreed with them. I still have screenshots of foobie losing his mind and doing just that.
I understand you. Though in my opinion the other 2 are simply psychopaths.
As for the sources of negative rumors, if they turn out to be false I’d point the finger right back to AMD as the source. They intentionally spread gloom & doom rumors to make an otherwise mediocre product launch look miraculous.
It’s easy. Spread the rumor that Polaris won’t launch until October. Then when it launches in July or August, run around acting like you cured cancer and ebola single handedly while ending world hunger. It’s a cheap fakeout move from Roy Taylor.
lol what
You’re an idiot…
No they just dubunked the rumor, duh
You’ve got your rumors mixed up and it’s making you look like an idiot.
I’m glad it will be on schedule. I hope they come out next month, even if its the Polaris 11 cards.
I want one badly for my HTPC.
“Do you think AMD has been treated unfairly by media outlets?”
Besides this kerfuffle? No, not really. Not recently at least. In fact most of the coverage I’ve seen on Polaris, 10-bit HDR, Crimson, GPUOpen and the Radeon Technologies Group in general has been… if anything; enthusiastic.
I do expect the press to keep praising Nvidia once their cards are out and to ignore the fact that Polaris isn’t meant to target the high-end. Price is often overlooked in these comparisons – and I’m talking about the REAL price, not some hopeful MSRP.
Who I am continually disappointed in is boutique system builders. Despite the public acclaim the R9 390 received “THE” go-to recommendation for Rift and Vive VR Ready pre-builts has been the GTX 970 – despite the fact that it has less RAM, an equal or higher price, doesn’t meet Oculus’ guidelines for sub 20ms latency (25ms is the lowest Maxwell 2.0 can go, whereas R9 390 can reach under 10ms) and is more powerful for regular gaming.
It’s a bit ridiculous.
You should give this a watch
I certainly agree with you with the system builders and haven’t received many with AMD cards but loads with GTX 970s.
i think nvidia have better relation with boutique builder. they got program like Battlebox for it. i still remember when one of boutique builder end up stop offering gpu because they were angry when AMD did not give them the access to 290X while some other have the access and showed their system on 290X launch.
“Do you think AMD has been treated unfairly by media outlets?”
Yes. It is not just this case. We have seen many reviews of GPUs completely filled with Nvidia-friendly titles, even a case or two where (some years ago) different settings were used.
The R9 390 is SO much faster in VR than the GTX 970. I have the R9 390 and an I7 6700K im my System wich is Stationary at my Desk. There I play seated or standing VR with my Vive. My other System in my Roomscale Place is a Small MiniATX Case wich Houses an I7-6700K and a GTX 970. Frametimes and Frame Rates are so much Better on my AMD System.
There are also a lot of other rumours being reported on without any substantiation. This sort of corrosive rumour milling always seems to surround AMD, never Intel or Nvidia, with Nvidia launching product just before AMD, literally weeks before you have to ask where all these rumours are coming from, as a competitor its in Nvidia’s interest to whip up as much negativity toward AMD’s competition as possible,
Its up to tech journalists to verify the integrity of the rumour, if it cannot be verified it should be reported on as an unsubstantiated rumour (with a statement like this from AMD) if reported on at all…
Just release an enthusiast GPU with GDDR5X or HBM2 already
Vega’s scheduled for Q1 2017, I believe.
Vega has been bumped to October alongside Zen.
Read: rumor
maynot be such a rumor since HBM2 will be ready in sept.
What are you saying? It is still a rumor until confirmed by an official source.
In all scenarios, it is a rumor. There is nothing that would make it, not a rumor.
nVidia shills hard at work
2006… lmao
AMD has a terrible marketing PR that’s all i have to say.
Nvidia is like the E3 showcase, will raise the hype with artificial stuff, and make the internet talk.
Only thing that is talked about now is “fanboi edition” PR failure.
I agree. No matter how good AMD’s products are, I feel that Nvidia’s marketing is better. Which is why I try to constantly tell AMD to improve it’s marketing and take it more seriously.
Are they listening??
GTX 1080 20% faster than 980ti
– Faster than sli 980 on vr
– Gamming 30% faster than 980 , 20% faster than 980ti
We don’t care.
ok who cares ^^
Dude, this is an article about AMD and the rumors that circulate. The performance of 1080 is completely irrelevant to this article, out of topic. Also, wait for reviews.
If you don’t mind spending a cr@pload of money on a GPU, go for the 1080.
But most people, who have a limited budget, wait for Polaris.
faster than their own gimped cards as always
Failed product with amazing marketing strategy and cover up their issue perfectly (FE F*cked Edition because there’s very limited quantity (not ready at all or panic mode) at the beginning, core clocked as much as they could to surpass their previous gen). Meanwhile, the media with fully nvidia backed up will soon spreading FUD and BS. Come on. We are not that stupid.
Now test it on directx12 (ATM Paragon don’t have directx12 support)
Yeah we can all expect (nvidia) Tech sites to avoid DX12 benches, and cherry pick DX11 games.
Someone realized that he could be out of luck getting a Polaris card for review. Well, this mild apology is much better than what other sites do. Hopping to see a review here.
lol nvidia pay media like intel apple etc
so you get payd to heat up ppl on still fabed gpu with crap numbers ,and they write great story
NVidia schills working overtime over underwhelming products from NVidia, nothing new.
Yes, there’s a lot of Nvidia bias due to fanboys and also just the media’s tendency to chase controversy in general.
Sure they are. If doubt can be sowed about a companies future it will hurt sales. Who wants to buy a product from a tech firm when they may not be around to produce drivers for it? Look how Amd’s Cpu’s were and are still villified as massive energy sucking heat producing monstrosities. Dire warnings of overwehelming utility bills from powering on these beasts. And there was simply no truth to it in extreme cases 5 extra dollars of a utility bill over several years. but it was enough to disuade many potential buyers.
Look at the graphics card nonsense. Amd cards are so power hungry your utility bills will skyrocket. They can heat your home nonsense. Again it’s silly but it is whats peddled. Any negative comment made and then repeated is enough to cost them a customer here and a customer there. And add it all up the world over and they have lost millions based on lies and misinformation. Oldest trick in the book is to sow seeds of doubt.
It is nigh impossible to find non biased reporting from any genre of news any more. the best that can be done is to get news from multiple sources and even then take it with a grain of salt.
Of course they have been treated unfairly by media and the industry. They’ve been reportedly going out of business for 15 years and I’ve been enjoying their wonderful products at a substantial discount and bargain vs Intel. My latest upgrade just a month ago is a great 3.8GHz 6 core FX Black processor that I overclock to 4.3 GHz. Total cost with the motherboard and 16G of quality ddr3 RAM was less than $260.
I support AMD because I their value and performance offered. I also don’t like the idea of an intel Monopoly. That would be disastrous to the industry and us as customers. I also don’t like their business/employee practices. A friend of mine from high school has worked for intel over 25 yrs and is a senior SAP analyst. She returned from vacation to find her division veteran employee staff decimated. They were forced into retirement with gag orders attached to severance offers that conditioned them to stay mum on the young employees brought in to replace them from India on H2B Visas. They diverted the 20 and 30 yr. service employees into big conference rooms when they reported to work to keep them away from the employees replacing them at their desks and offices.
LOLZ, i am gonna call the AIB manufacturers that are currently under NDA to get stuff/news about Polaris, your kidding right?
Nvdia always lied on the performance of their GPU’s. We have seen enough from GX 970 3.5GB vram and the 120fps DOOM fps performance in a 1080p resolution. Jung claimed its running 200 fps but it is not!!
We also see alot of claims that their maxwell can do DX12 and has async. But in reality when tested it has non at all. Its all lies.
Yes they have been mistreated for years and until now. We have seen left and right wrong reporting and unethical business competition. It is so unfair that consumers are the once affected.
Owning upto your own mistakes; this is true journalistic integrity.
Much respect to eTeknix and @disqus_0ziHiUsmBs:disqus. :^)
The press kisses AMD hind quarters.
there’s tonnes of negativity for AMD. Don’t know why but massive stigma stick to them.