Antec Notebook Cooler 200
Everyone has a portable computer of some kind, whether it is a notebook or netbook. They range in many different sizes but the overall idea is generally the same. Some are more aimed towards the business user, whilst some are focussed on home use and others are geared towards the extreme gamer offering unparalleled performance in a small form factor design.
When manufacturers build these machines they try to keep components to a minimum in terms of size, giving the end user a slim, sleek machine with all of the latest capabilities but this can have its drawbacks. Higher-end components lead to more power needed, which in turn leads to higher amounts of heat dissipation which gives the consumer a very warm lap indeed.
To combat this, many manufacturers are releasing products to prop the notebook off of your lap slightly to give that extra breathing space needed to combat a toasty leg. The best way is to create a device that acts as a cooling pad for the underside of your notebook by pushing cool air upwards towards the motherboard area and main location of vital components such as the CPU.
Antec have decided to try their hand at producing one of these notebook coolers, but will their Notebook Cooler 200 give better results than some of the generic products we’ve all seen at the local computer fair or will it be a bit hot around the collar?
- 200mm Antec Big Boy fan with two speed settings delivers maximum cooling
- Powered by a USB connector – no batteries or power adapters!
- Internal blue LED illumination delivers unbeatable style and can be toggled on or off through a convenient switch
- Unique design enables effortless operation on either a flat surface or the user’s lap
Unit Dimensions:
- 0.9” (H) x 13” (W) x 11.2” (D)
- 2.2 cm (H) x 33 cm (W) x 28.4 cm (D)
Package dimensions:
- 2.1″(H) x 14.8″(W) x 12.9″(D)
- 5.4cm(H) x 38cm(W) x 33cm(D)
- 1.6 lbs / 0.7 kg