Apple Made In The U.S.A.
Apple Computers Incorporated has been in the news a lot lately. Either Apple is being sued by someone or suing someone over a patent or something else. They are also in the news because of the large amounts of money they are keeping in off-shore countries. Personally I was a huge fan of Apple and their products a few years ago, but I have since gotten a sour taste in my mouth from them.
Many years ago it was a privilege for an American to purchase a new product that bared the words “Made in USA” unfortunately most products that are purchased in the United States have the words “Made in China” or somewhere else. Apple has been outsourcing work to different countries around the world, primarily China. Personally I would rather purchase a product that is from home, or close enough to home, as I assume you and everyone else would as readers. You most likely would like to purchase a quality product that was made where you live. even if it might be a couple hundred miles away.
I sit here, and I look at the different products on my desk. Keyboard, Made in China. Mouse, Made in China. The list goes on, and it saddens me that so many products that could easily be made where I live
Many years ago Americans would buy the majority of their products only when they were “Made in U.S.A.” but now, most products purchased are marked with “Made in China”. Apple Incorporated has been in most of our lives for quite awhile. Most products were Made in USA for a long time, but they have since outsourced all of their products to different countries around the world, primarily China.
Tim Cook, Apple CEO, has stated that he invested over 100 million US Dollars to bring a factory to Texas where the new Macintosh computer will be assembled. If you’re like me, you are not completely satisfied with this, but it is a step in the right direction for the corporate giant. Apple will continue to work with Foxconn for their motherboards, which will also come from Texas, as Foxconn has factories in the United States. Foxconn is a business primarily based out of China.
At the same time, they will only be building their Power Macintosh (tower) in the facility. I must say though, it is a good start on their part to bringing us products that say Made in USA once again.
The question I have is why Texas? With Apple Head Quarters located in California, why not build their computers in California. Personally I doubt I would purchase one of these Made in USA computers, but I am all for the effort that is being made.
Interesting topic this but it usually all boils down to economics.