PC Gaming – What to expect in 2012
In 2012 the PS3 and Xbox 360 are being blessed with many great titles that will for the most part never see the light of day on the PC. Games like Soul Calibur V, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Starhawk, Halo 4, Metal Gear Solid HD and Silent Hill HD Collections to name but a few. Of course all these games are exclusive to consoles, but they’re all games I can’t wait to get my hands on regardless. But what do us PC Gamers have to look forward to over the next year?
There is a massive range of exclusive titles released on the PC each year, plus a slew of multi format titles and plenty of little gems from indie developers to keep us busy. We can’t all afford to by every game that comes out, yet even if we could there isn’t enough time for most mortals to play them all, although I don’t doubt that some of you will try your hardest to do both regardless.
So here I am to guide you along the path of what I believe will be worth playing on the PC this year, obviously some of these titles are multi format, but at least that gives you some options when it comes for format.
Let’s have a look at my picks for this year’s finest RPG’s, Action Adventure, Shooter, Sports, Simulation and my top choice games for this year.