Asus O!Play Mini Plus Smart TV Set-Top Box Review

/ 11 years ago

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The unit comes installed with a basic operating system that supports a multitude of media formats to play whatever content is available to the device. On start-up  the O!Play boots straight to a simple yet clear user interface that can be navigated through with the included remote control.

Off the main menu, there are a number of apps on the device that offer audio and video services from a number of sources available on the internet such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Facebook and Netflix.

Looking at 1080p content, the O!Play handles it with no lag although a little buffer time is apparent at the start of any content, but once past, this is not seen through the duration of any video.

Music playback is very similar with a simple browser that allows you to play any music based files from either the network or an external storage medium. The system has a simple playback screen that shows the current playing track to the left and the playlist to the right.

The photo directory is again similar with a multi image view as you scroll through image folders. When viewing a single image full screen, there is a slight delay in the image becoming sharp as it is rendered.

Moving onto the O!Play main feature and selling point, Netflix runs as a separate application, layed out in the traditional fashion that we would expect using it anywhere else. Scrolling through the films is quite easy with the remote, and searching reveals an on screen keyboard

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