Battlestar Galactica Movie Moving Forward
A Battlestar Galactica movie!? So say we all!
According to Variety, Universal is aiming to create a complete “re-imagining story” to bring new life to the franchise that primarily consists of multiple TV series. A writer has already been chosen and none other than Jack Paglen, writer of “Transcendence”, is the right person to bring everyone this re-imaging of this amazing series. Jack Paglen was also recently announced as assisting Ridley Scott with the sequel to the 2012 sci-fi file Prometheus which will be starting production this fall. Apparently in late 2009 Bryan Singer was speculated to be helming the movie, which to be completely honest, I’m glad never happened.
As most fans are well aware of, Battlestar Galactica has seen three different TV variations since the late 1970’s. While the story has been primarily based on humans vs a cybernetic race called Cylons, the latest TV franchise that ended in 2009, starring Edward James Olmos, bounced around many different story lines that included Cylons and humans working together towards a coexistence that left fans with an ending almost on par with that of the hit series “Lost”.
Thank you to Variety for providing us with this information.