Corsair GS800 (800W) Non-Modular Power Supply Review
Today we take a look at another power supply from Corsair and we have the GS800 (V2) “Gaming Series” power supply in for testing. The GS800 boasts 80 Plus Bronze Certification, a bucket load of connectors, a 3 year warranty and more uniquely customisable LEDs and plastic strips (though the strips are sold separately). The GS800 is in this regard one of the most unique PSUs on the market in that it allows you to customise its colour scheme. Though by default it comes with a blue LED and blue strip to match the blue sticker. The Corsair GS800 uses blue, white and red LEDs which you can see below. These are switched between by using the LED switch on the rear of the power supply, accessible from outside the case.
Other than that there isn’t that much else to discuss because this is pretty much an 80 Plus Bronze non-modular PSU with some extra bells and whistles. Let’s proceed with the testing and see how good the GS800 (V2) from Corsair performs.
Non modular for $129.99 to $139.99 and it is only 50 watts more than the two psus I have that rated very well uh well Corsair no thanks !