DICE assuring the fixes for Battlefield 3
Right after the Beta release of the eagerly anticipated Battelfield 3, some fans have been complaining a lot (read: too much) about the bugs found in, if I recall correctly, was a BETA.
DICE has been eager as well to tell that those bugs will be no more in the final release, just as the studio’s Creative Director Lars Gustavsson has been telling everyone willing to listen that the beta is just a preview and that the final version will be “clean.”
DICE, as a matter of fact, did uncover more than a couple of bugs thanks to the beta, in addition to the other ones already present. A large amount of effort was put into fixing the issues so overly criticized by rather ignorant people, if I may say (you know who you are).
The wait is almost over men (and women where applied), the game will see the sunlight next week for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 as well as for PC.
While ahead of the release of this year’s rival, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, both EA and DICE did say that the amount of pre-orders went greatly ahead of expectations.
Read more about it here.