Fallout 4 Director: 1080p 30FPS on “Everything”
Depending or not if “everything” really means everything, Bethesda may have some explaining to do. In an interview with DigitalSpy, Fallout 4 director Todd Howard stated that the much-anticipated title would run at 1080p on “everything”. He went on to further note that the game would be set to run at 30fps.
If Howard meant everything as in consoles, his statement makes a lot of sense. This generation of consoles is largely limited to 1080p and in some cases, has to fall back to 900p. 30fps isn’t uncommon either and for action packed titles, 60fps is a luxury. Instead of growing resolution or fps, most developers have instead turned to increasing detail and other graphical improvements. Fallout 4 choosing the same path isn’t that surprising or noteworthy.
Everything though invokes the spectre of 1080p and 30fps limits on PC as well. While resolution limits are less common, they have happened with console ports before, most recently with FFXII which started out limited to 720p. Limiting fps has also happened, most commonly with racing games but upcoming Tom Clancy title The Division is handicapped this way as well. Honestly though, the only reason for limits on PC are that the developer did not take the time to properly set up the game for higher fps and provide higher resolution assets.
Hopefully, this isn’t the case for Fallout 4 on PC. It’s a shame DigitalSpy did not clarify with Howard what “everything” meant. We will be updating you if we receive more information.
Thank you DigitalSpy for the information
If you do it, at least leave a 60fps or uncap fps option for pc
PC gamers will find a way…