Giant Robots to Face-off in USA Versus Japan Duel Set For August
MegaBots Inc. issued a challenge to Suidobashi Heavy Industry last year calling out their KURATAS robot in a USA versus Japan face-off fighting duel against MegaBots’ own MK. II mech and it seems both sides have finally agreed upon a set date in August to duke it out.
MegaBots debuted their 15-feet tall, 5,400kg MK. II at MakerFaire in 2015 which was only armed with paintball cannons in its previous incarnations but has been upgraded to MK. III to make it “combat ready”. It now stands 16-feet tall and weighs 10,000 kg with an arsenal of weapons including chainsaws, rip saws and 430-hp crushing capability.
In comparison, Suidobashi Heavy Industry’s KURATAS only stands 13-feet tall but is a lot more high-tech with advanced controls, gattling guns, rockets and a right handed “iron claw” grip. Suidobashi Heavy Indusry has not announced yet what kind of upgrades KURATASA will be getting to be battle ready. Its rocket launcher and gattling guns are admittedly just for show but that does not mean it could not be outfitted with real, robot-killing weapons.
Upgrades to the MK. III itself is not finished as well, but it will be apparently unveiled in San Francisco soon before the USA versus Japan face-off happens. For further updates, visit the MegaBots Inc. YouTube channel where they continually post the MK. III’s developmental progress. Hopefully, the winner of the match will face off against Korea’s Method-2 next.