The Homemade Underground Apocalyptic Bunker – Fallout in Your Own Backyard
Man. Man never changes.
Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the power of masculine self-indulgence, beer has been spilled in the name of everything: from football to video games to simple issues of Screwfix catalogue.
In the year 2015, after millennia of failed DIY attempts, the effete nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was not plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation, but man decided that he needed a Fallout Shelter in his backyard anyway…
Since September, Colin Furze, a self-professed “British garage inventor/video maker” (“but in reality I’m just a plumber,” he admits on his website) has been building an underground bunker – timely, considering the recent release of Fallout 4 – in his own back garden in Linconshire, UK, in partnership with Sky 1 for the TV show You, Me and the Apocalypse. Unlike Fallout’s Vaults, though, Furze’s offering is more bachelor pad than survival colony.
Furze’s “Backyard Underground Apocalyptic Bunker” is built three metres beneath his back garden, accessed via an access hatch in his garden shed. The bunker has its own kitchen, mains water supply (with a backup tank in case of nuclear Armageddon), mains power and two redundant generators, a waste extraction system, and an ejector bed (for reasons).
For entertainment, Furze has installed Sky HD TV (of course), a drumkit, retro and current-gen games consoles, wall-mounted HD TV, and a surround sound set-up. He has even installed his own security system, should some Feral Ghouls attempt to storm the bunker.
“The things I make are made with tools that proper engineers would laugh at but I’m proof you don’t need an expensive lathe and huge welder to create something amazing,” Furze says. “What you do need though is a place to do stuff and the right people to help ask when needed and also someone to tell you […] will fail as that drives you on abit [sic] more.”
While Furze is not expecting to see the end of the world any time soon, the bunker is set to serve as his “man cave” in the interim. Furze promises that, while the bunker itself is finished, he will continue to refine its design and function.
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