Incredible Mobile App Street Hack Prank Is Epic
What at first appears to be a simple prank, involving a mobile phone repair shop and a few unsuspecting customers soon escalates a lot further than you might think. The whole thing turns out to be a very elaborate marketing campaign for something that is soon to be released, but if I’m honest, I don’t want to spoil anything about the video or what happens.
[youtube width=”800″ height=”450″][/youtube]Marketing campaigns are certainly getting more unique in the last few years, especially with advancements in technology such as smartphones and the video above does a great job of making a lasting impression and for me personally, it worked, I am more excited about the thing they’re marketing (see, still no spoilers).
Enjoy the video, let us know what you think in the comments section below. Even better, tell us what you would have done with the App.
Thank you TheLadBible for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of YouTube.
Hilarious, especially the ATM stunt. Now that’s a worthwhile app (where can I download it?). These candid camera stunts never get old.
Saying you won’t spoil the video is kind of silly. It was instantly obvious that it was about Watch Dogs. Still, it was pretty funny.