Injustice 2 Rumoured To Be Unveiled At E3
With the mixed opinions of the Batman v Superman film still fresh in people’s minds the rumours are already building ahead of E3 this year that the man of steel and dark knight may be making a return to your screen in a different way sooner than you expect with reports of Injustice 2 circling.
With E3 set for June 14-16th, it’s only a matter of weeks before the biggest names in the video game industry announce some of the biggest games of the year. Initial reports are showing that Netherrealm Studios, creators of Mortal Kombat X, could be announcing the next game in the Injustice series. Rumoured to use the same engine as Mortal Kombat X, Injustice 2 would see your favourite characters from the DC universe battle it out in with everything from pies to batmobiles.
While many weren’t too keen on the original game, the 4 million sales could have tempted Warner Bros to fund the sequel, hoping that interest in their new cinematic universe could increase interest and sales for the new release. Set to hit the shelves in March 2017, the game is rumoured to be in development for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
If the game makes it to PC, Netherrealm not only have to deal with the original games reception but also their bad reputation for games on the platform, given them excluding the PC version of Mortal Kombat X from additional characters and network updates. With Arrow star Katie Cassidy posting on facebook about the process of video game creation teasing fans about her involvement in a game, could we see Black Canary fighting off against the man of steel himself?