Intel Teases a Revolution in SSDs with New NVMe Drive
Intel is getting ready with their newest SSD and they’ve started to tease us with it. We don’t have much information yet, but a little can be glanced from the mini site and teaser video. The video starts out with the message “Get ready for a revolution in Solid-State Drives”, a bold statement.
But those big words might very well be backed by some serious performance, actually up to four times that of SATA. We’re of course talking about the ‘new’ NVMe drives that can utilize the CPU a lot better by working with multiple cores instead of just a single one.
There is less than a week until Intel reveals the new drive, and I can hardly wait and you can follow the countdown on Intel’s mini site, if you wish to do so.
There is a hint at the end of the video towards the Intel P3700 as a base for the performance figures, but those are somewhat older cards by now. Will this be a new consumer version at a more ‘reasonable’ price? We’ll find out in about a week.
Thanks to Intel for providing us with this information