King Is Working On Developing The “Next Big Thing” After Candy Crush
In a report by CNN, King, the company behind the arcade-style puzzle game, is working on developing the next big thing, considering the great success and profit which Candy Crush made for the company.
“I think that all games have a natural lifespan,” King developer and “games guru” Tommy Palm told CNNMoney.
“As a company, we’ve always been about making many games and continuing to innovate and try new concepts. At the same time as continuing with Candy Crush, we are also coming up with new great games.”
Candy Crush Saga is a game that was released on April 12, 2012 for Facebook, and then released on November 14, 2012 for smartphones. As of March 2013, Candy Crush Saga surpassed FarmVille 2 as the most popular game on Facebook, with 46 million average monthly users. It is a variation on their browser game Candy Crush.
King, which offers 150 games in 14 languages, is preparing for a stock market listing in New York, a source familiar with the deal said last month. It will need to keep producing a healthy pipeline of new games if it’s to justify the reported valuation of $5 billion.
Thank you CNN for providing us with this information
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