NASA & GRoK Technologies Working On Star Trek Style Healing Devices
Anyone who has seen an episode of Star Trek will no doubt be familiar with the healing devices they used in the show, simply shine the non-invasive device on the skin and BAM! You’re healed. They have a little device to scan over your skin that would heal cuts, burns, scars, fractures and many other injuries and it’s this technology that has sparked the imagination of NASA and Houston-based company GRoK Technologies.
“It’s not just science fiction anymore. All indications are that 21st century life sciences will change dramatically during the next several decades, and GRoK is working to define the forefront of a new scientific wave.” said GRoK’s founder and CEO Moshe Kushman
NASA are also keen to push this technology to help with the potential regeneration of bone and muscle tissue during space flight, and GRoK will be taking the first steps by trying to create BioReplicates, a 3D printed human tissue that could be used to test cosmetics, drugs and other products for efficacy and toxicity. On one hand ending the need for animal testing and on the other improving test results by testing on something that actually represents human tissue.
Next up is Scionic, a technology that GRoK say could result in “development of medical devices designed to target musculoskeletal pain and inflammation in humans and animals noninvasively and without the use of pharmaceuticals.” and it is this technology, the Scionic, that mimics the behaviour of the Star Trek medical devices.
“NASA is interested in the potential these technologies present for regenerating bone and muscle. [Astronauts] are susceptible to developing osteopenia, which is a condition arising from the loss of bone and muscle mass and bone density.” Said NASA in a press release.
They haven’t got any products just yet, but the point is that they’re actively pushing to make this technology happen. The only way we’re going to have super-advanced medical equipment in the future is if someone starts planning and experimenting now and that’s exactly what GRoK and NASA have begun to do.
Thank you Gizmodo for providing us with this information.