Ouya $99 Android gaming console reaches funding target in a day
Ryan Martin / 13 years ago
The Ouya gaming console, which we brought you an introduction to last week, is looking to change the market. Being the first “hacker friendly” console (in terms of hacking the hardware not online games) with all free games this console is set for great things. In order to get the ball rolling with funding the Ouya team launched a KickStarter page.
They set a realistic goal of $950,000 to be able to get the project up and running. As of writing they have achieved $2.5 million and have over 20,000 backers. Baring in mind the project still has 28 days to go we could comfortably see this project exceed the $5 or $10 million markers. Out of those 20,000 backers nearly all have donated enough to get hold of a console, in fact 19000 people have donated the $95 or more required to get hold of the Ouya console.
The Ouya developers have set a mission, and that is to bring great games back to the console platform. They claim that current consoles are faced with a developer brain drain, the developer friendly Android platform has sucked in the best developers, allowing them to go onto better things. By bringing Android to the console platform Ouya hope to revitalise console gaming. I’m sure Google won’t be complaining either, as Android is to gain even more global popularity and uptake.
The specifications of the Ouya have also been released, and they certainly look impressive for just $99.
- Tegra3 quad-core processor
- 8GB of internal flash storage
- HDMI connection to the TV, with support for up to 1080p HD
- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth LE 4.0
- USB 2.0 (one)
- Wireless controller with standard controls (two analog sticks, d-pad, eight action buttons, a system button), a touchpad
- Android 4.0