Origin Servers Offline
If you are like me, you love your video games, staying up late nights playing your favorite games. This weekend Battlefield 3 is hosting a “Double XP Weekend”. Unfortunately players are unable to play any game that is hosted on Origin. They are having some form of server issues, though their server status site does not show any issues with any of their services. When you try to log into their website or into the Origin client to play a game it refuses to connect, giving you a simple message.
“Sorry! We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please try again later.”
Issues arose at about 6AM this morning GMT, my game was glitching out when I decided to reload the game, when I started my game back up, I was unable to connect to servers. I closed my client down and continued to have issues. There are several games that have been affected by this server issue, including Battlefield 3, SimCity, FUT 13, Mass Effect 3 and Crysis 3.
Unfortunately, Origin has not posted a status update on their facebook page at this time, we can only hope that they will repair the issues swiftly.