Telepod – The Egg-Like VR Gaming Chair
We’ve seen racing seats, general desktop gaming chairs, and more over the years, but this is the first gaming egg I’ve ever seen. The Telepod, created by Japanese company Eje, is a virtual reality effects chair, which takes a little inspiration from those funky 4D chairs you may have used in the cinema.
You simply hook the chair up to the headphone jack on the Gear VR and the chair will pulse to give you effects along with the audio from your VR game. Don’t worry about losing that headphone jack either, as the chair has a built-in pair of over-ear headphones for you to use.
The chair doesn’t come cheap, clocking in at $8,000, which doesn’t exactly put it within the reach of the average consumer, but we can see a future of similar products with a greatly reduced price. As cool as it looks, I’m not sure I’ve got room for a giant egg chair anyway…
Image courtesy of TheVerge