Tesla Twitter has Been Hacked
Update at the end of the article.
Tesla, electric motoring giant; like many companies have taken to social media to boost the brand and also get into direct contact with consumers and just about anyone that is interested in their products.
What comes with social media however is a massive risk of hacking. We’ve seen it before with some pages, but normally these are returned to the owner within an hour or so and nothing malicious follows. However, it seems Tesla Motors’ twitter account has been hacked and the new ‘owner’ is having a bit of a joyride on their.
The hacking group behind this seems to be Lizard Squad when following the “@ripprgang” account that was linked in the profile description.
If you are interested in taking a look at the twitter feed, follow this link. Please take discretion when reading some of the tweets as some of them may offend.
This currently seems to be an isolated incident to this one Twitter account, as activity on the company Facebook page and the website still seem normal. Lets hope that this is rectified quickly.
Update: It seems that the hack has been reversed with all offending tweets removed.
We will keep you up to date with any further updates as they come in.
By hack do you mean they managed to simply log in with the correct details, or did they find some back door into twitter or a security exploit, gaining access to this particular twitter account?