2K Games Confirm a New Bioshock is in Development

I must confess that it took me a while to really start getting into Bioshock. Admittedly, that was mostly because the game managed to scare me more than a little. Particularly that part where you wander around Dr. Steinman’s laboratory. Ahh yes, many happy memories, and more than a few soiled underpants.
While the sequel was alright (if in a ‘more of the same’ kind of way) I think many would agree that Bioshock Infinite was a masterpiece. It does, however, feel somewhat strange that it has now been over 6 years since any new game from the franchise was released.
Well, it may have taken a while, but the wait is finally over. In a report via DSOGaming, 2K Games has confirmed that a brand new Bioshock is currently in development.
A New Bioshock Game is on the Way!
In the report, 2K Games has announced the founding of ‘Cloud Chamber’. A studio that has very specifically been set up to work on the next addition to the Bioshock franchise. In an official statement, 2K Games has said:
“As we continue growing our product portfolio, we remain inspired by opportunities to invest further in our valuable IP, great people and their collective, long-term potential. BioShock is one of the most beloved, critically praised and highest-rated franchises of the last console generation. We can’t wait to see where its powerful narrative and iconic, first-person shooter gameplay head in the future with our new studio team at Cloud Chamber leading the charge.
We founded Cloud Chamber to create yet-to-be-discovered worlds – and their stories within – that push the boundaries of what is possible in the video game medium. Our team believes in the beauty and strength of diversity, in both the makeup of the studio and the nature of its thinking. We are a deeply experienced group of game makers, including many responsible for BioShock’s principal creation, advancement and longstanding notoriety, and honored to be part of the 2K family as stewards of this iconic franchise.”

What Do We Think?
Excited, but with a lot of questions and expectations. That pretty much about covers how I feel about this announcement. Admittedly, it’s more than a little curious to see what direction they go in. I mean, we’ve been underwater and in the sky. So presumably we can only either go on land or into space… Any way you look at it though, I’m well hyped for this and so should you be too!
Now, I’m just going to throw this video in from Brentalfloss. Just because this announcmeent wants me to watch/hear it again.
What do you think? Are you excited about the new Bioshock? Where do you think they’ll go with the franchise? – Let us know in the comments!