2K Games Launcher Removed From All Its PC Games

Not all gaming news has to be some huge release to be profound and positive. However, today is a good day, as 2K Games has just announced that they have removed its stupid launcher from all of its PC games, and I really do mean all of them. Best of all, this is across Steam, and the Epic Game Store, so it’s a clean sweep.
2K Games Launcher
That means when you launch the game, you won’t be faced with the pointless 2K Gaming Launcher for each title, you’ll just launch the game itself… what a wild and innovative idea, why didn’t we think of this sooner?
Some of the games that have been patched are listed below, and there are a fair few. However, there’s one exception with XCOM 2, as it’s a game that uses a lot of mods. It’ll default to launch the game on the desktop shortcut, but you’ll need to launch the game from Steam if you want to use another launcher type; hardly a big deal though.
- Bioshock Remastered
- Bioshock 2 Remastered
- Bioshock Infinite
- The Quarry
- Marvel’s Midnight Suns
- Mafia Trilogy Definitive Edition
- Civilization games
Leading by Example?
What’s interesting is that 2K Games are now the only publisher to have completely removed all launchers from their PC games. Will the likes of Ubisoft and EA follow suit in the near future? I doubt it, but it would be nice.