35% of All US Internet Traffic Comes from Netflix
A new report says that 35% of all US internet traffic, on average during peak hours, comes from Netflix. A study was conducted by a company called Sandvine, best known for building ISP equipment. They said that Netflix accounted for 35% of downstream traffic in peak hours during the second half of 2014.
Interestingly, YouTube only accounted for 14% of downstream traffic, but on mobile devices there was a different story, with YouTube topping out the scale at 20%, closely followed by Facebook with 19%.
The study also revealed that Netlifx surprisingly comes second in upstream traffic, very high considering the site is all about downloading. BitTorrent came out on top at 25%.
The dominance of Netflix in internet traffic is yet another symbol of the website’s success and is perhaps also an example of how traditional television is facing ever growing competition from streaming websites.
Source: USA Today