MSI Infinite A 8th Gaming Desktop PC Review
Mike Sanders / 6 years ago
The MSI Infinite A 8th system we tested came with a 124GB SSD and a 2TB HDD. In terms of storage getting your games on this system shouldn’t prove any difficulty. Although we couldn’t confirm it in either the specifications or the system itself, the HDD gave some excellent results leading us to believe that it is a high-performance model and possibly hybrid.
We must admit that the small size of the SDD is a little disappointing. With Windows and all the other applications installed, this left only 40GB of spare data. By modern gaming standards, that’s barely enough to hold a single AAA game and in many instances, not enough by half. You do at least have a nice large (and fast) HDD to back this up though.
In terms of comparative speed though, neither hard drive is particularly fast.