72-Year-Old Completes 50,000 Windows Solitaire Games
50,000 Solitaire Games Played – 49,985 Wins!
Since the release of Windows 95, Solitaire has proven a very popular application for the operating system. It is, after all, much more convenient to play it on your PC and, in addition, it’s a good way to kill a few minutes while you’re (for example) waiting for a download to complete. Following a Reddit report earlier this week though, it seems that one person takes it rather seriously.
In the post, it has been found that a 72-year-old father has completely 50,000 games of Solitaire. What is perhaps more impressive, however, is that he has done so while only losing 15 games!
That’s Some Win Ratio!
I’ll admit to the occasional game, but ever since I first encountered a Windows system back in 1995, I don’t think I’ve played even a thousand games. What I do, however, know as an absolute fact is that my win ratio is nowhere near as high as this. While the reported figures only stick to whole numbers, his true win ratio is an amazing 99.97%.
When you notice his best time though (of just 36 seconds) it might tell you just how good he is at the game!
How Long Did This Take?
It has been suggested that this number of games was played over the course of 4 years. This, with the person playing for 1-2 hours a day. As you can appreciate, however, getting such a high number of games takes a lot of dedication. Getting such a high win percentage though takes a lot of sheer determination!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!