7 Great Scary Games You’ve Probably Never Played

I must confess that I am something of a wuss when it comes to horror games. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy them immensely. They are, however, games I typically tend to play in the brightest light and often with somebody in the near vicinity for emotional and moral support.
With Halloween upon us though, you might be looking to play some scary games but are finding your Steam Sale a little too generic for your taste. Admittedly, a Google search isn’t much use either as that’ll likely only similarly throw up releases you’ve already played before!
We, therefore, have handpicked out 7 great horror games that although you may have heard of some of them, you almost certainly haven’t played many (if any) of them!

Clock Tower – SNES/PS1
A horror game for the Super Nintendo? I know it sounds crazy, but it did happen and ‘Clock Tower’ is perhaps one of the best examples. This is survival horror on the SNES and it genuinely has some great moments.
Although never ‘officially’ released in the West, it has grown in popularity thanks to emulators (*cough*) and a separate later PS1 release that looked to (moderately) improve upon the originals graphics, sound and with a little extra content too. Just avoid the sequels, they’re largely crap.
As for where or how you can try this out… well, we’ll leave that to your imagination.
Silent Hill 3 – PS2/PS3/PC
Silent Hill 3 may not necessarily be the best (or most) scary game from the franchise, but it is (surprisingly) perhaps one of the best introductions. Let’s be honest, for as good as the original two games were, neither has aged particularly well. In addition, everything since the third game has been pretty bad.
Silent Hill 3, particularly the PC release, still looks amazingly good. Even by today’s standards. Admittedly, with it acting as a direct sequel to the first game you might need a quick ‘filler’ on the original to know exactly what’s happening here, but if you were to play a Silent Hill game in 2019, this is definitely the one I would recommend. Again, however, getting a copy is your problem.
Just avoid the Silent Hill HD collection.
Deadly Premonition – PC/Nintendo Switch/PS3/Xbox 360
We accept that you have heard about Deadly Premonition. We also accept that you’ve probably heard it’s pretty terrible. That is (largely) true. While it wasn’t a great game, however, it was ambitious in its scope and, at least in my opinion, falls into that category of ‘so bad it’s good’ type of game.
It’s hard to describe but think of it as a full-blown detective/horror game that attempts, as much as possible, to inject a joke wherever possible.
This game was recently re-released for the Nintendo Switch, but it also easily available to play on PC via Steam.
Until Dawn – PS4
While many might be waxing lyrical at the moment over ‘Man of Medan’ between the two games, I personally think Until Dawn is massively better. Yes, I know that this was very popular when it was released. Despite that though, a lot of people let this release pass them by.
So what is Until Dawn? Well, in a nutshell, an interactive horror movie. Admittedly, like most horror films, the first half is better than the 2nd, but with multiple endings based upon your decisions, it’s stonkingly good fun!
Considering you can pick it up from the PlayStation Store for just £15.99 (a price that may well be lower now) if you haven’t played this yet, make it an experience. Dim the lights, get some friends involved, and have a blast!
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter – PC/Xbox One/PS4
Albeit perhaps more mystery than outright horror, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter flew under many peoples radar despite it being very well received by both fans and critics. Put simply, despite its unusual appearance, it is a surprisingly decent game. It’s more about the story than the gameplay here, but it’s undoubtedly one of the best-written horror games I’ve ever experienced.
You can buy it now on Steam, Xbox One or PS4 right now!
The 7th Guest – PC/iOS/Android
I absolutely love The 7th Guest and generally play it at least once a year. If you’ve never heard of this game before, then that’s hardly any criticism of you. Releasing in 1993 it was (arguably) one of the first ‘modern’ horror games ever made, but it set a standard that many were to attempt to follow and replicate.
Over 25-years on, the game hasn’t aged well. Albeit the fan-made 3rd-part is set to release on Halloween, so that might well be worth checking out as an alternative. If you are, however, into your retro puzzle/horror games, then this is, without a doubt, the Godfather of them all.
Presuming you can’t find the original, you can obtain the (moderately imperfect) Steam version via the link here! – It is also available on Android and iOS.
Resident Evil 7 – PC, Xbox One, PS4
Ok, so out of all the games on this list, Resident Evil 7 is by far the most likely you have encountered. It is, after all, a Resident Evil game. Despite the praise by critics, however, the game sold pretty poorly. This was likely driven by the change in style and also the fact that the prior game (RE6) was bloody awful! In addition, Resident Evil 7 was given a lot of unfair criticism from fans who just wanted the same old RE experience. Any way you look at it, however, while not an outright flop, not many people actually ever played this game.
It is, however, entirely their loss. Yes, Resident Evil 7 is different, but different in a good way and sometimes things simply have to change. Admittedly, the last couple hours of the game are pretty terrible, but everything until that point easily makes Resident Evil 7 as good as any other games from the franchise!
You can grab a copy of it now on Steam, Xbox One, and PS4!
Happy Halloween Gaming – Now What Do You Think?
We hope that this selection has at least given you a few options for your Halloween gaming. We are, of course, fully open to your own suggestions. What’s your favorite underappreciated or little-known horror game? – Let us know in the comments!
For more Halloween themed-fun, check out the link here!