7th guest Fan Made Sequel Gets Official Announcement Trailer
The 13th Doll, a 7th Guest fan made announcement trailer is released!
It seems incredible, but I have been aware of the development of the 13th Doll for well over 10 years now. I’ve literally known of this game longer than my wife. It, therefore, fills me with delight to see that after many years of ups and downs, the game is finally starting to come together into a fruition of a long-time dream as a fan of the series.
We even recently conducted an interview with Ryan Holtkamp (project lead) which you can read here. It was an absolute design to get some exclusive screenshots to see just how far progress had come.
Incredibly it has been over 25 years since the original game and over 20 since the last sequel. It seems, however, that the 13th Doll, the fan game of the 7th Guest is nearing completion and, as if that wasn’t enough, we have a confirmed release date!
A fan game that has achieved more than most!
An official sequel to the game has been on and off for around 20 years. After the original developer, Trilobyte games went under it seemed that it would never happen. Then an official sequel popped up on Kickstarter but (and with respect to those involved) was a massively mismanaged affair. Shortly after the 13th Doll fan game attempted their own Kickstarter and achieved (and then some) their rather modest goal.
Since then, development has been in a much higher gear and with FMV filming concluding towards the end of last year, the game is truly starting to come together.
To give a brief synopsis for those unfamiliar with the series, the 7th Guest was a horror/puzzle game set in a spooky house. It was revolutionary at the time for combining a lot of FMV into real environments. I personally credit the 7th Guest, along with Myst, for almost single-handedly launching PC gaming.
The 13th Doll has looked to replicate the style and feel of the original. While bringing it a little more into the 21st-century technology wise.
I honestly could go on and bore you a lot with my clear fandom for this project. I even submitted a piece of music for this about 12 years ago. Whether it will make the final cut is unclear, but either way, I’m delighted to finally see the efforts of such a great team finally coming together.
The 13th Doll will release on Halloween 2018 and if available to pre-order. You can check out the official website here!