The first major consumer platform to support DDR4 memory will be Intel’s Haswell-E with the X99 chipset and LGA2011-3 socket. According to the most recent rumours Intel’s X99 is expected as soon as September 14th, but possibly earlier. In response to that ADATA have released a series of Premier memory designed for use with Intel’s X99 platform. The new modules come with speeds of 2133MHz in an unbuffered DIMM format, according to the specifications these are 4GB modules offered in kits of up to 8 modules. These DDR4 kits should operate with 1.2 volts and should have a fair amount of overclocking headroom. Pricing for ADATA’s kit wasn’t announced, but recently we have seen 16GB DDR4 kits selling for around $350, so don’t expect these to be cheap!
Source: ADATA PR
Image courtesy of ADATA
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