The unit its self actually comes pre-wired with all the major cables, sensors and fan extenders. It is fitted with a fairly standard double height bracket on each side for screwing it onto your chassis 5.25″ drive bays.
The front of the Touch-2000 looks fantastic, the brushed dark aluminium finish on the body looks really stylish and with the chrome touch to the edge of the LCD it should look good in near any colour of PC chassis.
Around the back, things look a lot less tidy, but that understandable when you think there are f fan connection cables and four temperature sensors hanging off the back of it, then there is room in there to connect your SATA, USB and audio cables to your motherboard too.
With the cables untangled, its easier to see how it all connects. Starting at the top we have the 4pin Molex for supplying the whole setup with power, below that we have 3 fan connection cables, then a 4th fan cable for the CPU cooler which splits off into a 2nd connection to hook the CPU up properly via your motherboard and finally at the bottom left of the picture we have the 4 thermal sensors.