Age of Empires Being Remastered for a Definitive Edition Release
During the PC Gaming Show in Los Angeles at E3, Creative Director of Microsoft Studios Adam Isgree made an announcement that made many old-school gamers happy. Age of Empires, the classic strategy game from 1997 is finally getting remastered with a Definitive Edition release. This includes higher resolution support up to 4K, improved graphics, updated soundtrack, improved gameplay and new zoom levels.
The video gaming public learned more about history from AoE than from their history teachers 20-years ago. It challenged players to build civilizations starting at the Stone Age all the way through several millennia. It eventually spawned sequels and spin-off games but the original title remains highly influential. The Age of Empires: Definitive Edition will not just be available for Windows 10 but will also be available for Xbox users. Console players will also get multiplayer support so they can go head-to-head in real-time-strategy combat.
The game is currently taking beta sign-ups over at
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition Trailer
The full trailer is available below, teasing what the 4K UHD gameplay looks like for the game. If you want to watch the original announcement broadcast, it is viewable at the PCGamer Twitch page under the PC Gaming Show E3 2017 live stream page.