AI-Generated Realistic Street Fighter Faces Are Nightmare Fuel!

While many beat-em-up titles have, in more recent years, erred more towards a realistic character design, Street Fighter has always retained something of a cartoon quality. What would their roster look like though if they were actually real people? Well, thanks to Twitter user ‘Siberian_644′ and the use of Google’s image AI, we finally have a somewhat disturbing answer to that question!

Street Fighter – Disturbingly Human Edition!
While the practice of turning ‘cartoon’ characters into humans is nothing particularly new (there are, after all, many AI programs out there), ‘Siberian_644′ has been hard at work on their Twitter account showcasing what many of the Street Fighter cast would look like if they were actually real people. While a handful of the results are surprisingly decent (see above), I think it would be fair to say that the vast majority are nothing short of nightmare fuel!

The quality of the AI-generated outcome does, of course, largely depend on what the program/algorithm can make or interpret from the original image. Where human features (or physique) are clearly somewhat exaggerated, however, it can often lead to some very disturbing results (as seen very much so in the Zangief below – I think I’ve met him coming out of a pub at 3 am once).

Oh Yes, There is More!
I’ve only included a selection of the AI-generated images above and largely just of the characters I still recognise (I pretty much fell out of the main Street Fighter roster loop after 2 on the SNES). If you do, however, want to check out more, then you can visit ‘Siberian_644’s’ Twitter account where he is posting them (and a lot more than just the above) via the link here!
What do you think? Which do you think is the best (or worst) AI-generated Street Fighter character in this selection? – Let us know in the comments!