AI Program Beats Average Entrance Exam Scores in Japan College Exam
Artificial Intelligence has been progressing at an impressive rate due to technological advancements in cybernetics. The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies suggests AI is a form of biological replication and further understanding of the human brain can help create a more advanced reproduction. In the next decade or so, it’s perfectly feasible the robotics industry could create service droids to perform rudimentary tasks. According to a study in Japan, AI is already surpassing the capabilities of the average human being.
Japan’s National Institute of Informatics programmed the AI to complete a standardized college entrance exam. The system correctly answered 511 questions out of a possible 950. In comparison to this, the national average score is 416, which means the AI system has an 80% chance of being admitted into the country’s 33 national universities and 441 private colleges.
The test revolves around five core subjects including History, Maths, and Physics. As you might expect, the AI scored highly in Maths questions and retained information extremely well to achieve excellent History results. On the other hand, the AI system struggled to cope with the Physics questioning due to processing language’s limitations. Overall, the test scores illustrate how far Artificial Intelligence has come, and robotics is a field which could revolutionize society.
Image courtesy of TweakTown.