Amazingly Old-School Display Used to Play Tetris

Amazingly Old-School Tetris
Forget your Minecraft, Fortnite and Super Mario Bros. If you’re looking for a game that practically everyone has played and loved, then Tetris is by far and away the daddy of them all.
Hitting its heights as a tie-in title for the Nintendo Gameboy one designer has, however, decided to take its retro glory to a whole new level.
Flip-Top Screen
Utilising a flip-top display, YouTuber Sinowin has created a fully functional version of Tetris. Combining a small computer with an even smaller controller, he has been able to not only get the display working, but it also adapts as you move pieces and clear lines.
The display itself works by literally flipping over a piece of coloured plastic. It happens so quickly, however, that your eye can barely take it in. As such, it looks like it’s an actual display whereas it’s really just clever (but amazingly basic) technology.
It’s something you may have almost certainly seen in train stations before they upgraded to more modern displays.

A Testament To Patience
Creating such a design clearly could not have been easy. Particularly given how redundant the display technology was. If the internet has taught us nothing, however, it’s that sometimes people just have to do something for no other reason than to see if it can be done.
Sinowin – We salute you!
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