Amazon (Grudgingly) Agrees to Make Cancelling Prime Easier in UK & Europe

/ 3 years ago
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While you can happily debate the merits and perks of having an Amazon Prime account, if there has been one complaint consistently levied against it in recent years, it’s the fact that it is significantly easier to sign up for the service than it is to cancel it. – In fact, taking it a step further, I personally believe that the methodology Amazon utilises to attempt to get you to sign up for it is more than a little deliberately confusing which can make it very easy to do by accident. That is, however, another point for another day. – For now, though, there’s some excellent news for those of you who do wish to cancel your Prime subscription.

Following a report via The Verge, Amazon has now (somewhat grudgingly I imagine) decided to comply with the European Commission to now make cancelling your prime subscription substantially easier than it was before!

And, incidentally, I only say ‘grudgingly’ because if Amazon really wanted to do this, then they could’ve applied such changes years ago without any pressure necessary from the EU!

Amazon Makes Cancelling Prime Easier!

The matter was originally raised following a number of complaints made to EU consumer groups that the Amazon Prime cancellation process was unnecessarily obtuse. Well, somewhat more accurately, deliberately obtuse likely in the alledged hope that its mildly complicated process would see at least some people give up before actually getting it in place.

Based on the original system, Amazon members were required to traverse and navigate through at least three different web pages with each requiring a fresh input to cancel your subscription (basically, three levels of separate confirmation). All while, of course, still dandling the option to either retain it or ask for a later reminder. – With the new system though, (displayed in the rather low-resolution image above), the cancellation process should now only list two web pages. One to submit your initial request, and the second to provide you with all relevant details (such as the termination date) with a final confirmation click.

And yes, we can confirm that despite being an EU Commission request, this system has been applied in the UK as well. In fact, it should be live for you to use, if you wish, right now. – The only remaining question mark though is whether Amazon will choose to apply this system to North American customers too. We somehow doubt it, but for EU/UK customers at least, if you did manage to somehow end up with a Prime subscription, cancelling it now should be a significantly more straightforward task!

What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!

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