Amazon Launches Virtual Reality Hub
Virtual Reality is often described as the future of home entertainment and could revolutionize the way we watch films, play games and engage in other pastimes. Since the advent of the Oculus VR development kit, other manufacturers have seen the potential for VR technology and decided to produce alternatives. As a result, VR is the current trend and received a great deal of media attention. While competition in the marketplace is great news, it can be overwhelming for consumers wanting to know the key differences between various products. Recently, Oculus unveiled the $599 retail launch price for the Rift which left some users extremely disappointed and felt it offered poor value. Thankfully, there are cheaper options but the pricing of HTC’s Vive and PlayStation VR is still unknown.
On another note, data from a study conducted during the Game Developers Conference indicates the amount of devs working on VR projects has increased from seven percent in 2015, to 16 percent in 2016. This is a marked increased and presumably, many studios are waiting to see the impact of VR before making any games built around the technology. As you might expect, 2016 will be the year when VR begins to enter retail channels and consumers finally get their hands on the polished models.
To help customers make a more informed decision, Amazon has launched a Virtual Reality Hub which contains videos about VR devices including the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift as well as a detailed FAQ describing everything you need to know about Virtual Reality. This section is written quite well and answers questions about the UK release date, costs, health implications and VR gaming. If you’re still unsure about the VR concept, it’s worth checking out to see what the furore is all about! Furthermore, you can set up e-mail notifications when more information arises about each product. I’d imagine this means Amazon will be a stockist of the main hardware launches and secure a good amount of units.