Amazon, Netflix, Google, and Microsoft to Create Next-Gen Video Format
The Alliance for Open Media, comprised of Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla and Netflix, has been formed in an effort to create the next-generation of royalty-free video formats, codecs, and related technologies. Though there is no mention of it in the official announcement, the enterprise seems designed to bypass paying MPEG LA royalties.
According to the press release from the Alliance for Open Media:
The Alliance’s initial focus is to deliver a next-generation video format that is:
- Interoperable and open;
- Optimized for the web;
- Scalable to any modern device at any bandwidth;
- Designed with a low computational footprint and optimized for hardware;
- Capable of consistent, highest-quality, real-time video delivery; and
- Flexible for both commercial and non-commercial content, including user-generated content.
This initial project will create a new, open royalty-free video codec specification based on the contributions of members, along with binding specifications for media format, content encryption and adaptive streaming, thereby creating opportunities for next-generation media experiences.
“Customer expectations for media delivery continue to grow, and fulfilling their expectations requires the concerted energy of the entire ecosystem,” Gabe Frost, Executive Director for the Alliance for Open Media, said. “The Alliance for Open Media brings together the leading experts in the entire video stack to work together in pursuit of open, royalty-free and interoperable solutions for the next generation of video delivery.”
The endeavour will allow Mozilla, Cisco, and Google, which are already working on royalty-free video formats independently – Daala, Thor, and VP9/VP10, respectively – to combine its research and development work thus far.
Thank you Alliance for Open Media for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia.