Amazon Recommends Users Change Their Passwords
Who doesn’t have an Amazon account? If you do it may be worth changing your password as Amazon recommends users take the precaution after it discovered that some of their Amazon accounts could be found online.
Amazon discovered the leaked passwords were contained within a password list online, and while not exclusive to Amazon services, it has recommended that users change their passwords, even more, so if they use the same password on several sites. If your accounts email address was found to be on any of the lists then Amazon has taken the precaution to force a password reset on your account.
While many recommend against it, it’s common practice for people to use the same password and email combinations on several sites, thus increasing the chance that if one account is hacked, others will be compromised alongside.
While it’s recommended by some that we get rid of passwords altogether, alternative methods like biometric scanners for your fingerprints have been seen as easily bypassed and companies are even looking at using videos or selfies to access your accounts, a technique that has been met with mixed views. Would you prefer to access your account with a selfie or video of yourself or do you believe that the password still has a while to go if used correctly?
UPDATE: We were asked to remove the image, so one of our own, Robert Ainsworth, provided us with a copy of the email he received.
Not even sourced me or asked my permission to publish my image containing the email that was sent to me? Bad form!
Would have been nice if you thanked me for using the image… or asked my permission beforehand. 🙁
Gone now, and using our own. Thanks.
fair enough – though I don’t remember saying you had to remove it, just that it would have been nice to have been asked for permission first. Thanks for sorting it though 🙂
With images and news stories, we source the place that we got it from. Which we did in the first instance. We’re not expected to ask every company or person we interact with, to gain permission and instead source to the original point as per copyright law.
We found in this instance, it was easier to use a different image instead, thus taking down the original and removing the source.