AMD Releases Beta Driver for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

/ 7 years ago

AMD Software Crimson ReLive Edition WHQL

Despite being just Windows 10, Windows 10 Fall Creators Update will be a major upgrade. Due to a whole host of new features and tweaks, new drivers are obviously necessary to make full use of the update. Today, Microsoft is ready to start pushing the Fall Creators Update out to users. To make sure users can use the new features, AMD is releasing an unnumbered driver release for the new OS.

Once installed, the driver shows up as 17.40 but AMD leaves it unnumbered online. The driver is formally titled Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. As a beta release, support will be provided “as is”. However, I expect much of that to change in the near future. For now, it is meant for early adopters so they can start exploring new features such as Mixed Reality.

AMD Beta Driver Aimed at Early Mixed Reality Adopters

AMD is being awfully shy about the new features, pointing to Microsoft to provide the details. As a result, most of the release notes deal with known issues. Some relate to new features such as Mixed Reality bug with Hybrid Graphics as well as system hands. Others deal with Radeon WattMan and ReLive as well. It’s hard to decipher how many of these bugs are new to Fall Creators Update and how many are old ones.

Given the beta nature of both Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and this driver, only the bravest folks should try them out. Microsoft has learned it’s lesson with Windows 10 and is going to roll out the new update slowly. Hopefully, this will mean more time to fix the bugs that are going to pop up for sure. You can find the full release notes as well as the download link here.

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