AMD Catalyst 15.7 WHQL Driver Analysis
Final Thoughts
AMD has finally caught up to NVIDIA in terms of performance with the R9 Fury X and they have also brought out a brand new WHQL rated driver; so things seem like they’re on the up again for the company. This can only be a good thing as now NVIDIA needs to pull something huge out of the bag to triumph over AMD once again and the circle of technology life goes on.
The performance offered from these drivers was very minimal. In some cases the minimum FPS increased, which would give an overall smoother gameplay experience, but the average FPS doesn’t really change across most of the tests today.
With this technology comes the ability for users with low-resolution monitors to have the detail of 1080p/1440p and even 4K if your monitor and graphics card are capable (see chart in the introduction section). This opens up a whole new wealth of quality for those who maybe can’t afford to upgrade and can really prove valuable for system builders who want to produce low-cost high detail gaming systems.
Windows 10
Windows 10 is just around the corner, it will bring with it DirectX 12 compatibility. There are currently no DX12 games on the market, but one of the first is Ashes of the Singularity will release very close to the launch date of Windows 10. DX 12 promises to bring huge performance and detail increases, but we will wait until we get our hands on the update itself before we comment on performance.
The AMD Catalyst 15.7 driver doesn’t really impact your current gaming performance, but with the addition of VSR and Windows 10 support; it would be stupid not to at least consider downloading this new driver. Go over to the AMD download page, enter in your details and happy gaming.
Thank you to all our partners who provided the hardware and software that made this driver analysis possible.
Thanks for the analysis. It seems that this driver was more like a “more features” driver plus the WHQL label, than a performance driver. DX12 games will show if AMD will gain an advantage over Nvidia with DX12, or if Nvidia will keep it’s lead of even increase it.
What lead?
Just wondering, would it have been better to test the features that were in the drivers, like VSR, the crossfire profiles, and crossfire with freesync, that’s really what this driver was adding to the fray, not performance?
I came here expecting you guys to have an analysis of the feature set, especially since people have been going nuts about when they will get them and they are finally here
89$PERHOUR I saw the paycheck that said $7798@ds2