AMD to Crash Nvidia Game24 With Their Own Celebration
Peter Donnell / 10 years ago
AMD are out to steal some of the thunder from Nvidia this week, just days before the Nvidia Game24 event which is said to be the launch party for the new Nvidia GeForce GTX 9xx series of graphics cards.
A letter was dispatched from AMD to 15,000 of their most loyal fans known as the “Red Team”, inviting them to crash the Nvidia Game24 party in the name of PC gaming.
“No one appreciates a good celebration of gaming more than AMD, as evidenced by our recent #AMD30Live webcast and the warm and humbling reception the event received from the enthusiast community,” the letter begins. “In that spirit, we’re intrigued that another graphics products company jumped on the #AMD30Live bandwagon this week by announcing a similar event on September 18th and 19th, called #Game24.”
It’s true that Nvidia’s event is similar to the recent AMD celebration, but Nvidia are out to do it bigger and better, especially since we believe they’ll be launching their new graphics cards at the event.
“We believe there is no such thing as a bad celebration of gaming, so we warmly encourage you to attend this event in person. Game24 events will be conveniently located in Chicago, IL, Indianapolis, IN, Mission Viejo, CA, Stockholm and Shanghai.” Nvidia also plans to stream the events online.”
“On Sept 18th and 19th we’ll be watching the #Game24 hashtag and the @AMDRadeon twitter channel for pictures of you in attendance at the events, proudly wearing your favorite red T-shirt. Boldly tweet pictures of yourself wearing your colors while at these events, and we’ll send some love your way. The funnier and more inventive the photos, the better – remember, this is a celebration! Make sure to mention @AMDRadeon so we can find your posts easily.”
It’s a sly move from AMD, but it does sound like they’re in good spirits about it all. While many won’t care who wins the PR war, it’s nice to see a company being passionate enough to engage with their fans and have a little fun with it. It’ll also be interesting to see who’s out in greater numbers at the event, those with green on their shirts, or those in red.
Thank you MyDrivers for providing us with this information
Images courtesy of MyDrivers.