Source Claims AMD’s Entry-Level Radeon 6000 GPUs Will Feature 4GB of VRAM

It is sometimes easy to forget that AMD has still yet to release its entry-level graphics cards from its Radeon 6000 series. Then again, given the amazingly short lack of supply we’ve seen of any modern GPU over the last 12-months, it’s perhaps easy to forget that they really exist at all. – With the Radeon 5500 XT and 5400 likely set to be launched in early 2021, however, in terms of performance and specifications, while we don’t know much, the model numbers alone clearly indicate that we shouldn’t expect something overly potent from either model.
Following a Twitter post by reliable leak source ‘@KOMACHI_ENSAKA‘, however, the subject of VRAM has reared its head again as information has appeared online suggesting that both of these AMD GPUs will feature 4GB of memory.

AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT/5400 Graphics Cards
The source claims to have gained access to SKU information from an unknown manufacturer. Within it, however, they say that they have spotted multiple references to both the 5500 XT and 5400 hitting the market with 4GB of VRAM. – Now, admittedly, this isn’t a lot. – In fact, it’s so little that the best most users could probably hope for from these GPUs would be a competent, but certainly not mindblowing, 1080p gaming experience.
With 4GB of VRAM, however, this might be indicative that, finally, we might get to see a truly budget-focused graphics card release. Something that, to date, neither AMD nor Nvidia have provided in their latest respective series.

What Do We Think?
In the grand scheme of things, we don’t expect big things from the AMD 5500 XT or 5400. If Team Red can, however, manage to bring these GPUs to the market, in good supply levels, and at a price tag below £200 (and who knows, maybe even less than £150 for the 5400) then AMD could have a huge winner on their hands here. Especially for those consumers who can’t afford top or even medium-tier models, but still want a gateway into the world of modern AAA PC gaming.
It’s just a theory, but the 5500 XT and/or 5400 could prove to be the hero we don’t necessarily want, but the hero we need!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!