AMD get new CEO to replace interim CEO Thomas Seifert
Ryan Martin / 13 years ago
AMD finally has a new CEO to permanently fill the position which Thomas Seifert has been occupying since Early January when Dirk Meyer left because investors didn’t approve of his plans for AMD’s future. The new CEO, Rory Read, comes straight over from Lenovo where he worked as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for many years. He has a big task ahead of him trying to bring AMD back up to competing levels with Intel in the mobile, laptop and desktop market.
He is hopeful that with the launch of AMDs 28nm ARM chips AMD can start to push Intel out the mobile market, also with AMD (the formerly-ATi segment) having a significant time advantage over Nvidia with regards to the 28nm technology it would also seem likely AMD can be successful in the graphics department. But he’s not going to have it easy Intel have an IvyBridge launch upcoming along with the latest low power Atom chips still to come and if AMD can’t win on performance then they are going to need a solid pricing strategy to come out on top.
Interesting to note he will be on a $1 million a year salary with a $1.5 million a year bonus if he meets investor objectives.