AMD And Intel Processor Sales See 50/50 Split In July
AMD And Intel Processor Sales See 50/50 Split In July
The popularity of the Ryzen processors has been nothing short of remarkable. In the last year, we have seen the 1st and 2nd generation land, both to exceptionally high praise. While they might not have the bang of the Intel counterparts, they are quite notably more affordable and still give a very solid performance.
With the recent release of the 2nd Generation of Ryzen though, it seems that AMD might be, slowly but surely, clawing it’s way back. In figures from Mindfactory, AMD Ryzen and Intel Coffee Lake saw an almost exact 50/50 split for sales in July.
AMD Getting Back On Track
For many years, Intel was the dominant force in processors. To a degree, it still is. This is particularly when you consider the laptop market which is almost completely dominated by them. That doesn’t mean to say that AMD didn’t release good processors, the 8350 has proven to be a reliable, powerful and one that many are still (quite happily) using today.
When Ryzen landed last year though, things started to change. Offering some excellent performance figures at low speeds, many users saw this as the ideal time for an upgrade. It seems that many Intel users also decided to come aboard the Ryzen train. Despite the near 50/50 split though, Intel has, of course, reported the much higher revenue figures. While they might give the best performance, they are clearly a bit more pricey than AMD.
Can AMD Topple Intel?
It’s a question many will ask. We feel though that it’s actually the wrong question. A better question is can AMD achieve a realistic par with Intel? The way things are looking, it’s possible and that can only be good for consumers. The more CPU’s there are in direct competition with each other, the better (hopefully) prices will get.
Saying that though, considering you can pick up a Ryzen 2600x for less than £200, prices are already pretty decent. Well, at least for team red.
What do you think? Do you use Intel or AMD? If Intel, have you considered switching to AMD? – Let us know in the comments!
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