AMD Ryzen 3 3100 & 3300X CPU Review
Online Benchmarks
For Octane, Kraken and XPRT the 3300X and the 7700K were really close yet again. The 7700K held the lead by a small margin in the first two, but lost the lead by an even smaller margin in the last one. What’s surprising though is that the 330X matched the 9900K in WebXPRT. The 3100 was slower, but again, it’s not exactly dragging its heals either, for a budget CPU, it’s got some guts to it.
Ryzen 3 3100
- Google Octane 2.0 – 36273
- Mozilla Kraken 1.1 – 1036.5
- WebXPRT 3 v2.93 – 226
Ryzen 3 3300X
- Google Octane 2.0 – 40980
- Mozilla Kraken 1.1 – 897.2
- WebXPRT 3 v2.93 – 254