AMD Ryzen 3 3100 & 3300X CPU Review
Memory results are a difficult thing to compare from one CPU to the other, as supported speeds, memory banks, chipsets have a lot of sway vs the CPU on their own. However, we can see that both the 3100 and the 3300X are running well within specification here. The read, write and copy speeds are competitive and while the latency is higher than Intel, it’s what we expected to see based on previous results.
Ryzen 3 3100
- SiSoft Sandra 2020 – 32.611
- Aida 64 read/write/copy – 43279/23947/42413
- Aida 64 Latency – 80.3ns
Ryzen 3 3300X
- SiSoft Sandra 2020 – 35.53
- Aida 64 read/write/copy – 43107/23948/42490
- Aida 64 Latency – 80.6ns