AMD Zen4 Ryzen CPUs Confirmed to Utilise Integrated Graphics

While the AMD Ryzen platform has proven to be exceptionally popular with consumers since its original 1st-gen release back in 2017, there has been one notable issue with the vast majority of the mainstream desktop processors. Namely, that very few have come with an integrated graphics adaptor. – What does this mean? Well, in a nutshell, you have largely been required to have a separate dedicated graphics card to get some kind of display output. Something which, incidentally, has been one of the few advantages offered on the Intel platform with practically all of their processors offering this as ‘standard’. – No, the graphics solution isn’t exactly potent, but it’s enough to get an image displayed on a monitor!
Following a report via Videocardz, however, leaked information has all but confirmed that, for the first time ever, the mainstream AMD Zen4 Ryzen CPUs, expected to release next year, will include an RDNA2-based integrated graphics adaptor as standard! Or, at the very least, they’ll be making it a lot more common!

AMD Zen4 Ryzen Processors
We should note that there are AMD Ryzen processors available under the ‘G-series’ branding (such as the Ryzen 4700G) that offer an integrated graphics solution via an APU design. These have, however, largely played second-fiddle to the mainstream Ryzen desktop processors which have, to date, not offered any sort of display output adaptor as part of their CPU design. Put simply, if you own an AMD Ryzen 5600X, you need a graphics card.
Following leaked information, however, it would appear that AMD may be preparing effectively ‘drop’ the G-series and make integrated graphics adaptors standard in most, if not all, of their next-generation of Zen4 Ryzen processors and that it will likely be based upon a modified version of the RDNA2 architecture.

What Do We Think?
If AMD is going down this road for their next-gen Ryzen processors, then, on the whole, it does make a lot of sense. The lack of a display adaptor as standard with their mainstream processor releases has been arguably one of the biggest obstacles in the platform’s lack of success in ‘generic’ office desktop sales. – If you need a PC for work and work only, you don’t want or need an Nvidia 3060 sat inside it just so you have something you can connect your monitor to.
Another issue in this regard, however, has been the dreaded word ‘stock’. High demand and low supply have seen AMD’s existing ‘G-series’ processors fall into exceptionally short levels of supply and, according to some sources, more notably worse than their mainstream Ryzen ‘non-G’ models. However, making this entirely ‘standard’ does at least solve the problem of them currently creating two separate chipsets based on one overall CPU design.
Let’s be honest though, from a more generic standpoint, it would be nice if AMD processors did offer graphics solutions as standard. Even if it’s only from the point of view of having something to set up a new PC while you install drivers for your gaming graphics card. – Will this actually be happening though? Well, with no formal confirmation, take it with a grain of salt. I can’t help but feel that it makes a lot more sense for them to do this than to continue with their strategy so far of basically splitting up their CPU range.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!