Android 5.1 Rolls Out for the Nexus 10
Android 5.1 build LMY47D has arrived via OTA this Saturday for the Nexus 10 tablet, which is not that unexpected since Google released the factory image for the device two weeks ago. Compared to the Android 5.0, Android 5.1 is just 104.4 MB, though it is still best to update the software via Wi-Fi.
It is said that Android 5.1 brings performance enhancements, bug fixes and stability improvements. Those who have installed it have noticed an improvement in how fast the tablet boots up since the Android 5.0.2 update.
Also, to be noted is that the update, being OTA, will be broken down in waves. This means that some users won’t receive the update until after a few days. The best thing to do is keep an eye on your device’s battery and prepare for it to be available in your region.
Thank you Phonearena for providing us with this information