Android Jelly Bean To Go Past 50% Share
In recent Android news, it seems like the Android 4.x Jelly Bean takes up half of the android share with over 50% of devices running on the Operating System on devices such as smartphones, tablets, phablets, etc.
As shown above, the 4.3 Jelly Bean is marked at 2.3% while growing in number each day, the 4.2.x Jelly Bean comes right after with 12.5% of android users running it and still growing in number, followed by the 4.0.3 – 4.0.4 Ice Creat Sandwich which takes up 19.8% of the share and last but not least, the most common 4.1.x Jelly Bean taking up the majority with 37.3% of the share.
Other news includes screen size and density shares, with the majority of users having a Normal screen size (with a share of 79.6%) and having a hdpi compatible screen (with a share of 33.4%). Only 8.8% users prefer the ultra high dpi, the xxhdpi, and not far from hdpi are the xhdpi users, taking up a share of 22.2%. The chart below represents the full screen size and density shares representations.
In terms of graphics and 3D modelling, Open GL Version 2.0 takes the lead with a whooping 98.3% of the share compared to version 1.1 and 3.0, which only represent 0.1% and 1.6% of the total. You can find the chart below.
Thank you NextPowerUp and Android Developer for providing us with this information
Images courtesy of Android Developer