Apple Buys Depth Sensing Camera Producer
iPhones, they’re the technology equivalent of Marmite. You either love them or you hate them.
Apple has now given more people a reason to love them. Depth sensing cameras may be on their way! The $651 billion dollar company has just bought the Israeli company, LinX.
According to Wall street journal – the acquisition of the company was valued at around $20 million dollars, a tiny amount of Apples’ market worth. LinX were primarily focused on phones and tablets and can not only offer cool effects such as background blurring that you can get on high-end DSLR’s but can also get a much better performance in low light; you’ll be able to take much better photos of dark areas without having to utilise the flash.
Apple may plan to use their technology in all of their devices, the development of the depth sensing camera has made it a much thinner device than a standard camera module. The Mac Air may be even thinner next time!
Apples’ extension into Israel has been a large one, the companies chief executive Tim Cook stated that Israel is the largest research and development center outside of the U.S with over 700 employees.
TechCrunch received the following from Apple: “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans”
Apple doesn’t seem to want to share their plans with us at this moment in time. We can only hope something awesome comes of it!
Thanks to Business Insider for the information
Images courtesy of wired